Setting up your Mac & MIDI STUDIO for wireless networking using Mac OS X
Using the built in MIDI Networking in Mac OS X, you can get much better latency (ie less lag).
It looks daunting at first but it’s easy to setup.
Firstly, make sure your iPad & Mac are on the same wireless network.
On your Mac, open the AudioMIDI Setup application found in Applications/Utilities.
Select the Window menu and click ‘Show MIDI Window’ to show the MIDI Studio.
Double click the Network icon.
Create a new Session by clicking the plus button in the bottom left of the ‘My Sessions’ panel.
Give your Session a name (any name will do), then click the checkbox to enable it.
Ensure that the drop down box called ‘Who may connect to me’ is changed to ‘Anyone’.
Your iPad should be listed under ‘Directory’, select it and click ‘Connect’ to have it join the Session.
Finally, in your sequencer/sampler/audio app on your Mac, choose the input & output you created to control the app with MIDI STUDIO. Each application is different, so check the documentation for how to turn on MIDI remote controllers. In Ableton Live, it looks like this:
In example with Ableton Live, click also on sync button, if you like to use Internal Ableton's clock for arpeggiator or sync the position/state of all knobs, faders, buttons in Midi Studio - For example, it will allow automatically change the position of the fader or knob if original position was changed in Ableton Live application, this way you will see how they automatically rotating or moving.
IMPORTANT!!! In your host application you should select Mackie Control as Control Surface. In Logic application this process should be automatic. If not, then please add Mackie Control surface manually.
That’s it! Next time you want to connect, just launch Audio MIDI Setup from Applications/Utilities, select your iPad and click ‘Connect’.
If your computer does not find your device, this could be several reasons:
Midi Studio not launched, it is important that the application was launched, or if network fails, close the application and open again.
device not in same network (or in same, but with different ip addresses with computer. Or your have different Subnet Mask, not like in the computer, for example by default it:
Firewall on your computer or in your router not allow you to connect your iPad/iPhone.
Firewall on the iOS device not allow you to connect with your computer (if firewall software were installed on your iPad/iPhone device)
On the background of iOS device working another application which use CoreMidi. (Please try close all application, run Midi Studio and try check Bonjour settings again.)
If none of the above does not prevent, please close all apllications and restart your iPad/iPhone device. Then run Midi Studio again.